Peter Gregorio in Kiew Pt. 1 | Radio Arty
Der Gründer der Vector Foundation im Interview
31.07.2023 Yaneq
The Vector Foundation is a New York NPO founded in New York in 2007, to give power to the artist's vision and their role in the evolution of attitudes, ideas, and culture.
Vector has produced and curated events, exhibitions, lectures, and publications with over 250
artists, and 20 globally recognized institutions -
including the Whitney Museum, MoMa PS1, Printed Matter in New York, the Haus Der Kunst, Kunstverein in Munich, Schau Fenster Berlin, and Kunsternus Hus in Oslo.
The Founder Peter Gregorio is a Brooklyn based artist. He has a Masters from the School of Visual Arts in New York and has exhibited his work internationally over the last 20 years. Gregorio is also an independent producer of interdisciplinary projects that have been exhibited throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Im Radio: 30.07.2023, 16 Uhr
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